Articles tagged with release

Release shocktube1dcalc 1.0.2 During Sprint of PyCon TW 2021

Sprint in PyCon TW 2021

We are happy to annouce the shocktube1dcalc 1.0.2 is released to PyPI!! Thank you everyone who participated the sprint event of PyCon TW 2021 during on Sunday.

People who were participating the sprint event in the venue powered by Gather Town. Sprint Venue Powered by Gather Town

Release ubuntu-server-netboot 0.1.1

Commandline Tool to Generate a Netboot Directory Tree

This utility generates a netboot directory tree from an Ubuntu Server Live ISO image, an image based on the subiquity installer. The tree contents are similar to the contents of the netboot.tar.gz file that debian-installer builds provide.

For example,

$ ./ubuntu …

Release shocktube1dcalc 1.0.0

Simple Python Library to Generate Solutions of 1D Shock Tube Problem

We are happy to annouce the shocktube1dcalc 1.0.0 is released to PyPI!! shocktube1dcalc is a python library to generate solutions of shock tube problem in the field of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic).

Support Analytic Solutions and Numeric …

Release PyInvoicer 0.0.2

Support Logo Image

We are happy to annouce the PyInvoicer 0.0.2 is released to PyPI!

In 0.0.2 we add the feature to support embedding your company logo image in the invoice. Please enjoy it.

Commandline Tool to Generate PDF and HTML Invoices

PyInvoicer is a light-weight …

PyInvoicer 0.0.1 is released!!

Commandline Tool to Generate PDF and HTML Invoices

PyInvoicer is a light-weight commandline tool written in Python to generate HTML-based and PDF invoices. The usage is very straightforward and easy to use. Prepare your invoice content in YAML as the input of PyInvoicer. That's it!! No complicated setup like database …