Release ubuntu-server-netboot 0.1.1

Commandline Tool to Generate a Netboot Directory Tree

This utility generates a netboot directory tree from an Ubuntu Server Live ISO image, an image based on the subiquity installer. The tree contents are similar to the contents of the netboot.tar.gz file that debian-installer builds provide.

For example,

$ ./ubuntu-server-netboot --url
INFO: Downloading
INFO: Attempting to download
INFO: Netboot generation complete: /tmp/tmpo54145m2/ubuntu-installer

Try it on PyPI

ubuntu-server-netboot is availble on PyPI. It meas you can install and use it immediately by running:

pip install ubuntu-server-netboot

Visit ubuntu-server-netboot page on PyPI for more details.

ubuntu-server-netboot Source Code

[ubuntu-server-netboot repository and its issue tracker is now currently hosted on Github. Let us know if you have any suggestion.

First release of ubuntu-server-netboot

0.1.1 is the first release version of ubuntu-server-netboot. Please look forward to the up-coming improvement.