Commandline Tool to Generate PDF and HTML Invoices
PyInvoicer is a light-weight commandline tool written in Python to generate HTML-based and PDF invoices. The usage is very straightforward and easy to use. Prepare your invoice content in YAML as the input of PyInvoicer. That's it!! No complicated setup like database is needed.
A quick look of PyInvoicer output example:
Try it on PyPI
PyInvoicer is availble on PyPI. It meas you can install and use it immediately by running:
pip install pyinvoicer
Visit PyInvoicer page on PyPI for more details!!
PyInvoicer Source Code
PyInvoicer repository and its issue tracker is now currently hosted on Github. Let me know if you have any suggestion!!
First release of PyInvoicer
0.0.1 is the first release version of PyInvoicer. Please look forward to the up-coming improvement!!