Simple Python Library to Generate Solutions of 1D Shock Tube Problem
We are happy to annouce the shocktube1dcalc 1.0.0 is released to PyPI!! shocktube1dcalc is a python library to generate solutions of shock tube problem in the field of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic).
Support Analytic Solutions and Numeric Solutions Backed by CESE Method
shocktube1dcalc could not only generate analytic solutions, but also solutions based on CESE algorithm[*].
[*] Sin-Chung Chang, “The Method of Space-Time Conservation Element and Solution Element – A New Approach for Solving the Navier-Stokes and Euler Equations”, Journal of Computational Physics, Volume 119, Issue 2, July 1995, Pages 295-324. doi: 10.1006/jcph.1995.1137.
Easy to Use
shocktube1dcalc is easy to use. You may refer to the README of the source code to see how to use it. contrib/ might be also a good start for you to generate a animation video to compare solutions generated by analytic and CESE algorithm. Watch the video.
Try it Out
shocktube1dcalc is availble on PyPI. It meas you can install and use it immediately by running:
pip install shocktube1dcalc
Visit shocktube1dcalc page on PyPI for more details.
shocktube1dcalc Source Code
shocktube1dcalc repository) and its issue tracker is now currently hosted on Github. Let me know if you have any suggestion and comments.