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Articles tagged with cfd
Release shocktube1dcalc 1.0.2 During Sprint of PyCon TW 2021
Sprint in PyCon TW 2021
We are happy to annouce the shocktube1dcalc 1.0.2 is released to PyPI!! Thank you everyone who participated the sprint event of PyCon TW 2021 during on Sunday.
People who were participating the sprint event in the venue powered by Gather Town.
Release shocktube1dcalc 1.0.0
Simple Python Library to Generate Solutions of 1D Shock Tube Problem
We are happy to annouce the shocktube1dcalc 1.0.0 is released to PyPI!! shocktube1dcalc is a python library to generate solutions of shock tube problem in the field of CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic).