My Journey to Be an Ubuntu Member

Long Story Short

I have been using Ubuntu since 2006 (Ubuntu 6.06!) and worked for Canonical since 2013. I have no doubt that I regard myself a member of Ubuntu community for what I have done during these years described in my wiki on Ubuntu Wiki. By getting Ubuntu membership, it is something like a "ritual" for myself to recognize this self-identity.

What is Ubuntu Membership, How to Apply, and What Will Happen

This page shows you what is Ubuntu Membership, and what will happen if you are granted for the membership. For example, you will get an Ubuntu email address alias ( ).

Besides, this page shows how to apply.

The Interview

Besides the daily contribution, the interview may be the most interesting part of the whole process. Firstly you may register your interview with this page of Ubuntu Membership Board Wiki, and pick up an interview date and time. The interview will happen on IRC (#ubuntu-meeting on freenode) and the interviewers are the members of Ubuntu Membership board. You will know the result immediately at the end of your interview. The online board members will vote for/against your membership application at the end of the interview.

Here is my meeting/interview IRC log. The interview was on Oct. 1st, 2020. There were 4, including me, people registered on the same day, but only 3 of them showed up. You may also refer to the channel log for more interview/meeting log to see what happened in practice.


"Membership is not a statement of how great one is, but a commitment to the team and the community."

—Ubuntu Wiki

The membership is essentially a commitment between the individual and the community. I hope that the community and me will enjoy the commitment with each other, and I hope you will begin to consider the application and enjoy the commitment as well.